Last night my search for the perfect frappé continued. My friend and I visited Gloria Jeans Coffees in Queen Street and sampled their wares.
My previous frappé experiences chronicled in the Frappuccino Fix entry of this blog.
The Gloria Jeans Coffee experience was by far the best to date. The staff were friendly and efficient and the guy who served us had a great sense of humour as well. I ordered a Coco Loco Mocha (basically a Mocha frappé) and it tasted great.
The server put both chocolate sprinkles and chocolate powder on the top. Perceptive guy that he was, he figured out that I like my chocolate. He offered to put caramel syrup on there as well, but I though that would be overkill. Could tell he was laughing at me but I didn’t mind.
The texture was good except of a few crunchy anomalies (but hey, nothing is perfect).
The small frappé cost $4.30 which was the best price to date. Below are the things that made this coffee experience one that I would like to repeat again some time.
- The staff were friendly / fast and had a sense of humour (thanks James)
- The coffee tasted way better than Starbucks. Still nice and sweet but somehow the flavour was much better
- Their slogan “Escape the daily grind” made me smile (its either clever or corny depending on your mood)
- All the implements you need to enjoy a frappé are there for the taking on the side of the counter, this includes spoons, straws and lids* (if you want one).
*I hate having a lid on my frappé. Starbucks always insist on putting a lid on (they have to for some reason). The thing is, if you put a lid on a frappé and you also have chocolate syrup on there, then the syrup tends to end up on the lid which is messy / wasteful / a crying shame.