Today I saw an everyday miracle. The Monarch caterpillars have grown to a stage where they are changing into chrysalis. Happily, had my camera on hand to document the process.
I really owe it all to my dad who called me last night to see a similar occurrence. Had my camera then too, only it was on the wrong setting so the original photos had that blurred “paparazzi” look to them.
The main part of the process takes about 20 minutes and is very cool to watch. The last few shots of the chrysalis were taken over an extended period. I cheated and photographed some of the older chysalis so that the darkening of the case with time could be seen.
Seen as I don’t have to a movie camera, still photos will have to do. I tried doing this as a really cool animation but the animation was too big and took too long to download.
Below, for your viewing pleasure is a sequence of 31 photos showing the process.
This was quite a fascinating process to follow. I’m glad you posted it on your site. It’s amazing how a little caterpillar ends up looking like a jalepeno pepper in the end!