Toned-Up Tuesday

The Monochrome Festival continues with another colourless post. According to artists, black, white and grey are not colours, they are tones. I remember this being rammed home in an art…


Monochrome Monday

Inspired by various fractal artists who have used only black, white and grey in their creations, this week has been declared Monochrome Festival Week. Above is the first official entry.…

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Starry starry night

I am not the only one posting star shaped fractals tonight. Stacey over at fractal rock has posted her own dazzling creation. My creation is mirroring the way I currently…

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Pink – As Promised

Even though I loathe pink, here is a pink fractal as promised in yesterday's post. Above for your viewing pleasure (or should that be pain), I present "Pink Flake". I…


Blue Chrystal

The Apophysis creativity continues. There really is not much more to say. Tomorrow's fractal will involve pink and lots of it. So, keep watching this space.


Note to Self

I spent most of today trying to get two pages of my latest web design project to look good in IE5. The problem was that I had to use nested…

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Desert Dreaming

Not sure if I even like the image below. It is more "interesting" than "beautiful". It is called "Desert Dreaming" because of the earth tones. Never mind. At least it…