It could be a magnified mushroom spore, only it isn’t.
Am very happy right now. Blogger has put in place word verification to help prevent spam comments. Thanks Blogger!
It could be a magnified mushroom spore, only it isn’t.
Am very happy right now. Blogger has put in place word verification to help prevent spam comments. Thanks Blogger!
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Hi Dzeni,
Please contact me about your great fractal art.
Hi Jeff,
Thanks for the compliment. Sadly you did not provide any contact details and your profile has not yet been enabled – which means that getting in touch directly has proved to be impossible. If you wish please feel free to email me with your request.
Dzeni 🙂
Great work! I really like the electric glow of the image. The six sided symmetry is cool too…makes me think of hexagram, metatron's cube, honey comb, etc.