I suspect that posting a variation on yesterday’s image is cheating a bit but what the heck.
Presenting Autumn, Apophysis and Amazing Circles. Think of it as a three for the price of one special.
Today’s Gratitude Item: The fact that the celery in the fridge was past its use by date. This means that the apple my mom cut up to use in a celery salad for my dad had to be eaten before it went brown (the celery got thrown away). I volunteered to do the eating 🙂 Nothing tastes quite as good as an apple that has been peeled and diced for you.
Really beautiful, work on this. I don’t think that is cheating, this is a big variation. BTW, thank you for the link. I will be trying it.
Those circles look handpainted. Wonderful effect. Have a great weekend Jenni. Oh, and variations are perfectly acceptable under the fractal treaty of Lorent, circa 2005. 🙂