
A fitting entry to the final day of “Monochrome Fest”.

When the sun sets, and colour fades from the world, the Shadowplex remains.

Today’s Gratitude Item: Clear skies and the time to enjoy them. Not using a computer during Shabbat used to be quite hard for me, but now it is routine and it is something that I really enjoy. It means a day of enforced relaxation with no one expecting you do update web pages, answer email or do anything computer related because they know what the answer will be. What can I say but thank G-d for Shabbat!

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. mijzelf

    Hi Dzeni,
    Yes, Shabbath can be as good as a long holiday, just because of the “enforced” rest. G-d knows what is good for people!
    Love your last contribution to monochrome fest. 🙂

  2. Phil

    As always, your fractal pictures are beautiful.

  3. Lindsey

    What is Shabbat? Is it a religous day?

  4. TotalChaos

    Absolutely stunning, and at that size, must have been a few hours of rendering.

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