White Waves

Made when I should have been asleep. I probably did not dream in colour that night :) Today's Gratitude Item: I will finally have access to a laptop computer at…

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Stormy Seas

Continuing with the monochrome theme, I present you with "Stormy Seas". Today's Gratitude Item: Piping hot potatoes in sauce for dinner on a freezing cold day. Lets just say that…


Sharp Sunday

This one was created six months ago in preparation for "Monochrome Festival". The Festival is finally here so all this week my blog will feature monochrome graphics. Monochrome Festival is…

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Spin City

Caution: Staring at this graphic for too long may result in motion sickness. One has to worry when art comes with a warning label! Today's Gratitude Item: Being mostly ready…

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Second Sanctuary

This reminded me a bit of a previous work called "Sanctuary" hence the name. Today's Gratitude Item: A super long Middle School assembly which meant that instead of seeing my…

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Made in NZ

Ferns are a New Zealand thing, hence the title. Today's Gratitude Item: The super water resistant jacket that my mom brought back from the States for me. It is a…


Carved Star

It could be a fossilised star fish on a good day. Made with Apo 2.04 using the final transform feature and the Julian variant. Today's Gratitude Item: That it did…


Turquoise Hope

Made with Apo 2.04. I "cheated" and edited out the noise around the edge using Paintshop Pro. The downside to this approach is that it took "forever" to do! Today's…

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Space Roulette

Made with the same parameters as "coinage". Am constantly amazed by how small changes in the parameters can have a major impact on an image. Gotta love these chaotic systems.…