Gold Grace
Finding the right gradient took a while. Am pleased with the result. Today's Gratitude Item: That I did not have to tutor the student I was supposed to see after…
Finding the right gradient took a while. Am pleased with the result. Today's Gratitude Item: That I did not have to tutor the student I was supposed to see after…
I have no idea how this happened! At least its symmetrical. Today's Gratitude Item: The Kauri Trees at the bottom of our garden. Although they are relatively young, they are…
"This is not a drill. Evacuate now. Follow the green lights to your nearest exit. This is not a drill...." Today's Gratitude Item: Mum's bright red beanie* which is perfect…
Some times everything just drops nicely into place. Its good when that happens. Today's Gratitude Item: Its Friday afternoon and a wonderful weekend awaits me! One of us is in…
Engage! Dedicated to all the "Star Trek" fans out there. Today's Gratitude Item: A warm classroom early in the morning. Someone puts on the heat real early at school so…
This one is the same flame as the yesterday's graphic. It just shows a different area of the flame with a different gradient. Today's Gratitude Item: That my favourite jumper…
Sometimes these things just happen. The second in this series is currently rendering. This one, in huge size took about 2 hours to do.Today's Gratitude Item: Modular orgimami! Its great…
Got lucky with the gradient. Wonder what's on the other side of this bridge? Today's Gratitude Item: Being able to buy spinach again! With the rather wet weather we have…
This one may end up as a greeting card. I created it after losing the parameters for a similar graphic (whoops). Today's Gratitude Item: That one of the libraries near…
Usually the ones on a white background don't look particularly pleasing. This one certainly breaks that rule :) Today's Gratitude Item: Saturdays! Not having to go to work, being able…