Made for Simchat Torah. POV-Ray was used to generate the scrolls and then the text was put in using paint shop pro.
If you click on the image below and look at the original image, you will notice the text is in Hebrew, this was copied and pasted from an online Hebrew Bible. The only “problem” with it is that in a real torah, the text would not have any vowels. Of course a “real” torah does not have the rewind instruction either.
You can access the large version of this graphic by clicking on the image above. Images that are related to Jewish Holidays live at the preceding link where you can browse by holiday and download the image in high resolution (for printing etc).
Today’s Gratitude Item: Locating yarn for my current project that was cheap, the right colour and the right thickness. Trust me when I say that this was not as easy to do as it sounds.
I absolutely LOVED this graphic. And the commentary, of course, made me laugh out loud. I was truckin’ the ‘net, trying to find a B&W line drawing of a shofar and found your blog. Made me smile. The verbal/visual plays on familiar themes was fresh and light. Both of those and inoffensive, too. Such a deal!!