Magenta Weave
Another in my never ending series of woven / textured fractals. Sometimes they just "happen" with minimal tweaking. Today's Gratitude Item: That I am finally finished rendering my portfolio in…
Another in my never ending series of woven / textured fractals. Sometimes they just "happen" with minimal tweaking. Today's Gratitude Item: That I am finally finished rendering my portfolio in…
It looks a bit like a sea shell. Especially if you squint and use your imagination. Today's Gratitude Item: Having one more day of holiday left. Its not that I…
This one would take too long to explain. If you don't know what Sukkot is, then you probably won't "get it". That's OK though. It was fun to make. You…
This material is strong, flexible and only $19.99 per metre from participating "Galaxy Outlets". Available in a variety of colours. Today's Gratitude Item: Sushi for lunch. Tasted especially good because…
Sometimes they just "appear", as if by magic. To be fair, this one is "tweaked" and zoomed a bit but it was still a very cooperative little graphic. Didn't take…
Its spring time over here. I could not resist the vibrant green of this "Spring Thing". Today's Gratitude Item: That our house is not built on a cliff. Seriously! A…
If they served waffles in paradise, this is what they would look like. Today's Gratitude Item: That Yom Kippur is over for another year! The weather today was rainly and…
For more information about Yom Kippur, please take a look at the preceding link. You can access the large version of this graphic by clicking on the image above. Images…