
Got "lucky" in Apo. Am particularly pleased with the way the colours turned out. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally figuring out how to save files in blender. Also managing to create…


Hot Pool

This one has a "cold" (ie: blue) version as well. Today's Gratitude Item:: That my camera was not broken! It just needed fresh batteries. Said camera behaved very strangely when…

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Tempus Fugit

These glass egg timers were created in POV-ray. Its been a while since I used that program but making the timers was actually quite simple. Today's Gratitude Item: Being able…

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Choose Life

Some graphics are just screaming to be created. This was one of them. For something quite simple, it can be read on a number of levels. Normally I don't "do"…

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This could be a desert encroaching on a forest - at least, that's what it reminded me of. Today's Gratitude Item: The start of school holidays and the knowledge that…

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Sci Fi Floor

This one appeared with minimal tweaking and rendered incredibly well. If I only I knew what it was! Today's Gratitude Item: Being featured on a Shutterstock light box. Each month,…

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Kosher Honey

This is how kosher honey is really made! *Special note: According to the Kosher Kiwi Directory, all Pure New Zealand Honey is kosher. Today's Gratitude Item: Lots of public holidays…

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Pesach 5767

Pesach Sameach everyone! This blog will be on a brief break due to the Chag. You can access the large version of this graphic by clicking on the image above.…

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Soft Breeze

This one needed a fair bit of work to get rid of excess noise / pixelation. It turned out quite well in the end. Today's Gratitude Item: Having a back…

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