Dawn Fabric

May take these two a while to get where they are going. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting a bookmark in the mail. Its quite a nice one and given my ability…

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Candy Curl

Putting the pig on a pink background seemed to make sense at the time. Today's Gratitude Item: That its really easy to make your own "Play Dough". We needed said…

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Ukelele Ball

Dedicated to all of you out there who play this rather funky instrument. May you have a ball each time you play. Today's Gratitude Item: That there is a Post…

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Turquoise Pendant

Filed in the "If only they could actually make this" category. Today's Gratitude Item: That the coffee machine at school was working again. Yesterday we suffered a power outage meaning…

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Lava Stairs

This one is a variant on "Spiky Tide". This is one of the few time in life where the sequel is actually an improvement on the original. Today's Gratitude Item:…

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Its a good idea to be cautious when approaching the unknown! Today's Gratitude Item: Being *almost* ready for school tomorrow. I'm not thrilled about my holiday ending but it is…

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Sukkot 5770

Had a bit of fun with this one. If you are wondering what an etrog is, and what it has to do with Sukkot, the Wikipedia Article on the topic…

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Spring Rose

As in a rose made out of springs. They say that goats will eat just about anything but this might be a bit much to swallow. Today's Gratitude Item: Being…

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Spiky Tide

Was really pleased with how this one turned out. A fair bit of tweaking was involved - but it was worth it. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting a really lovely, handwritten…

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