Ball in Chains

I've heard of a ball and chain, this is a ball in chains. Today's Gratitude Item: Spotting a small problem with one of my images when showing it to my…

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Tu Bishvat 5770

Here is my Tu Bishvat image for this year. The picture was inspired by real life - as in I saw a van carrying a bunch of trees and thought…

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Usually I dislike turbulence, but in this case I'll make an exception. Today's Gratitude Item: Finding out that for the first few sessions at least, I'll be observing "my" 6th…

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Big Boom

The cannon is based on a reference photo taken when I was in Wellington for Dance camp. Today's Gratitude Item: Figuring out how to make Google calendars display event descriptions…

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Off The Wall

I like this one, but it makes me feel strangely uncomfortable at the same time. Today's Gratitude Item: It looks like I've got a really lovely tutor group this year.…

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Dripping Water

This one is based on the parameters from "Off the Wall". Today's Gratitude Item: Having two offices at school. Such is the joy of working in two faculties - I…


Sun Bead

Dedicated to all those Elvis fans out there. Today's Gratitude Item: Being spared the power cuts that ravaged large parts of Auckland today. I live on the North Shore and…

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Sometimes three leaf clovers can be lucky. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally discovering the anti-alias feature in Tierazon. I've worked with the program on and off for years and had not…

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Ice Tower

The control tower is the result of playing with the tutorial at the preceding link. Today's Gratitude Item: Discovering an "International" dance group that have an impressive repertoire of Israeli…

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Alien City

This one is based on similar parameters to "Ice Tower". Had to adjust the gamma levels to get rid of some horrible background "dust". Today's Gratitude Item: Having the best…

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