The lion on the crest is supposed to be purple rather than pink (I think). This one is based on the wikipedia version but if anyone out there can give me the hex code for the correct lion colour, I’ll have a go at changing it (time permitting). For the record, I’m hoping that the Netherlands wins the World Cup final tomorrow and the flag below was created quite some time ago for an unrelated project that I was working on.
Today’s Gratitude Item: A fun night out playing Trivial Pursuits. This is an annual fundraiser for the Community Outreach Worker. The only problem was that our team tied for last place! To be fair, the teams were all very close together points wise so we are not total idiots. On the plus side, the last place winners got lollies as a consolation prize, the first place team go wine. Seen as I don’t drink, getting lollies is the better option.