Had fun with this one - it looks like a starfish on steroids. Today's Gratitude Item: Being able to play "Angry Birds" and watch TV at the same time. A…
Had fun with this one - it looks like a starfish on steroids. Today's Gratitude Item: Being able to play "Angry Birds" and watch TV at the same time. A…
Something went wrong (or right) at the zipper factory. Its all a matter of perspective. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally getting started on my planning for the upcoming term. It's good…
This Star of David appeared with minimal effort on my part. It might look good on a greeting card. Today's Gratitude Item: New Shoes, T-Shirts and some lovely chocolates thrown…
Things got a bit heated when this one was made - hence the fire fan. Today's Gratitude Item: Mindless games. Sometimes its good to be able to just turn off…
The jellyfish strike again! These are either the result of a nuclear "accident" or global warming. Today's Gratitude Item: Speedy email responses. It's really great when people respond quickly to…
The texture of this one was especially appealing. Took a while to find a gradient that worked and in the end, something simple was best. Today's Gratitude Item: Discovering that…
Got really lucky with this one, both in the form and with the colours. It did not take all that long to create and is a variant of "So Many…
Playing with the "Xaos" feature of Apo allowed some extra tweaking resulting in this. Today's Gratitude Item: Got Gamemaker to co-operate and have almost finished creating a relatively simple platform…
At least this explosion is more pretty than destructive. Today's Gratitude Item: Being able to download reading material long after the library has closed. I'm loving the whole e-book experience.…
Reminded me of jellyfish swimming in the ocean - hence the name. Today's Gratitude Item: Air conditioning and ice cream. Its hot and muggy at the moment and any respite…