
Just like confession, this one is good for the soul. Today's Gratitude Item: That the DP at school has emailed the entire staff asking them to vote for my entry…

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Braid Bluge

It's a variation on a theme but it looked quite pretty so it got rendered. Today's Gratitude Item: Natural justice. Like when someone not only breaches copyright but hot links…

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Simchat Torah 5773

Took forever to create this one. Please take a moment to enjoy the background 'star burst' effect as getting it right was fairly painful. You can access the large version…

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Ins and Outs

Tried a mixture of variants on the final transform and this appeared. Today's Gratitude Item: That everyone joined in the dancing for Simchat Torah tonight. I know the actual festival…

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Round Holes

This is one of those times when "square pegs" would feel out of place. Today's Gratitude Item: Onion flakes. Turns out that they are great when used to flavour omelette.…

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Eye on the Prize

Another variation on a theme that worked well. One of my older 'basic' parameters has generated a score of cool images. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting back into illustrating. The Christmas…

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Double Arch

Why settle for one arch when you can get two? Today's Gratitude Item: Amusing card tricks. Usually I'm very bad at doing 'magic' tricks but have finally found a trick…

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Was surprisingly tricky to create. Today's Gratitude Item: Having seven dancers (including yours truly) willing to perform for Simchat Torah on Sunday night. Our choreography is looking good and everyone…

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Had fun with this one. Today's Gratitude Item: That revisiting old 'params' is a great technique for creating new fractals.

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Ground Rules

This post has been a long time coming but it seemed like a good idea to post something official about the status of my images / copyright. It turns out…