Romantic Barrier
If you don't see the hearts, try squinting and tilting your head. Today's Gratitude Item: Egg and potato frittata- a perfect 'holiday Friday' lunch.
If you don't see the hearts, try squinting and tilting your head. Today's Gratitude Item: Egg and potato frittata- a perfect 'holiday Friday' lunch.
Not too sure about this one... Today's Gratitude Item: Having a great holiday despite almost a week of stormy weather. Happily, staying indoors (and on my computer) has not been…
I really wish one could get fabric that looked like this. It would make a truly magnificent skirt. Today's Gratitude Item: Making good progress on the programming course that I'm…
Made on the first day of spring 2013. Posted mid-winter 2014. Funnily enough, it was windy / raining for most of the day. Sadly, today's colours were more grey than…
Had fun with the colours on this one. Today's Gratitude Item: A really productive vacation day. Got loads done and am feeling really good :)
As in the small circular indentations on the left are perfect for holding just about anything. Today's Gratitude Item: A spurt of creativity. It's good when such 'spurts' coincide with…
Made in the car on the way home from work one Friday afternoon (my car pool buddy was driving)! Today's Gratitude Item: Inspiration (which is sometimes found in the strangest…
Another 'old' idea - revisited. Today's Gratitude Item: Making it to the last day of term! Am looking forward to two weeks of not having to get up early.
Or should it be "Ocean Mosaic"? Today's Gratitude Item: The 'new' course that I proposed at school has been accepted. This means that provided enough students choose to take it,…
The main image reminded me of an ornate button. Not sure if I like this image or not. Today's Gratitude Item: A much better turn out at dance class -…