Hopeful Lines
Was hoping that this one would look OK when rendered. Happily, it does. Today's Gratitude Item: A really good day. Had a lovely visit from some colleagues who will be…
Was hoping that this one would look OK when rendered. Happily, it does. Today's Gratitude Item: A really good day. Had a lovely visit from some colleagues who will be…
Dedicated to all those who dream of space travel. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting some much needed help with creating a relational database / website solution. Happily my brother is an…
Was really pleased with this one. It took a lot of effort but it was worth it. Today's Gratitude Item: An unexpected (and very kind) gift from one of my…
Probably a bit too bright for most people... Today's Gratitude Item: A new waste disposal unit that works brilliantly. The old one was rather temperamental.
Sometimes bright pink is an appropriate colour choice. Today's Gratitude Item: Tomorrow is my last 'verkakte' meeting for the year and whilst I'm not looking forward to said meeting, I…
There is a reason that this kind of fractal is also known as a 'flame'. Today's Gratitude Item: That sometimes when working on a layout, things just seem to fall…
As in a woven wave made of fractal wheat. Today's Gratitude Item: This pixabay image of an alphabet. It was perfect for creating a 'thanks' graphic which was needed for…
Yikes! Today's Gratitude Item: Not only are junior exams over, I don't have any marking to do. Right now life is good.
It took considerable 'playing' to get the background to co-operate. Today's Gratitude Item: A surprisingly good day. Our junior students are writing their end of year exams. Happily supervision today…
This one is reminiscent of an 'old style' brass weight. Rendering it seemed like a good idea at the time but now I'm not so sure. Today's Gratitude Item: Being…