Blue Twist
Finding a suitable name for this one was something of a challenge. Today's Gratitude Item: Unexpected coffee - which is always a good thing :)
Finding a suitable name for this one was something of a challenge. Today's Gratitude Item: Unexpected coffee - which is always a good thing :)
Proving once again that 'less is more'. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally being toasty and warm on a very cold day. It was freezing in my classroom at school and getting…
Or should that be 'big oh!' - this one was a bit of a surprise :) Today's Gratitude Item: That the days are finally getting longer - noticed that it…
This combines two of my favourite things, a woven net and spirals. Today's Gratitude Item: A mathematics lesson that went surprisingly well given that I ran out of time to…
With those subdued colours this wave is definitely a winter phenomen. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting considerably quicker at uploading student work to gearhost / github. Using that particular combination has…
Simple but fun to make. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally managing to get one of my student's databases online (have several more that need to go 'up'). It's been a long…
As in a bunch of feathers from a purple peacock. Today's Gratitude Item: My iPad. One of my students was quite literally clowning around in my junior Math class (the…
Was not expecting this one but it was a very pleasant surprise. Today's Gratitude Item: Attending my first ever webinar. It was an interesting experience despite my connection at school…
As in a black and white spiral with a small dash of colour. Today's Gratitude Item: "The Desk" arrived today and it is all I hoped it would be. Being…
Somethings look best when a black / white / grey gradient is used. Today's Gratitude Item: Maybe finding a light at the end of my 'host student databases for free'…