Smooth Weave
For some reason felt compelled to render this one. Even though woven fractals are neither new nor original. Today's Gratitude Item: A near miss. There was a storm and one…
For some reason felt compelled to render this one. Even though woven fractals are neither new nor original. Today's Gratitude Item: A near miss. There was a storm and one…
This one leads to dark and dangerous places. Today's Gratitude Item: Playing with 000 Webhost and discovering that this could be a way for my students to make sure that…
Complete with spiky bits. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally getting bootstrap to co-operate and managing to make a gallery / lightbox where the images for the gallery are dynamically generated based…
For something made late at night, this one turned out quite well. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting the 'all clear' from the dentist. I was incredibly relieved that this time around…
If you can't see the rose, try tilting your head and squinting a little. Today's Gratitude Item: Discovering how to easily graph several sets of information on one axis in…
Or should it be 'Oh. Synergy!' Today's Gratitude Item: My level 1 students did very nicely in their external exams. Results were officially due out tomorrow but they got published…
I'm pretty sure that we've been here before... Today's Gratitude Item: An html stripper. I needed to get quite a bite of 'plain text' from some html and doing it…
It's amazing what one can do with bright blue fractal string. Today's Gratitude Item: Email from students in the holidays. It turns out that some of them are working on…
Not to be confused with pipe dreams. Today's Gratitude Item: A delightful day 'off'. After finishing a series of screencasts showing a client how to use an access database I…
In a fractal universe, wave appear with a predictable regularity. Today's Gratitude Item: Finding the next two books of a recently discovered trilogy at the library. It's nice not having…