Grid Basics
Very similar to 'many squares' but different enough to be worth rendering. Today's Gratitude Item: That my school's Moodle is being slightly temperamental which means that I can't do more…
Very similar to 'many squares' but different enough to be worth rendering. Today's Gratitude Item: That my school's Moodle is being slightly temperamental which means that I can't do more…
It's been a while since my last spiral and this on just had to be rendered because it reminded me of a spiral staircase. Today's Gratitude Item: A friend who…
Reminded me a high-rise apartment building. Today's Gratitude Item: That my 'crazy idea' was not so crazy after all and the person I shared it with has picked it up…
Turned out better than expected. Today's Gratitude Item: My dad showed me how to print off multiple .pdf files without having to open each one. It's easy when you know…
A bit cliched but in this case 'x' marks the spot. Today's Gratitude Item: A 'different' day which involved a barmitzvah, a delicious lunch and catching up with people who…
This one has been shaken. Today's Gratitude Item: That Monday is a public holiday - I need the time to get 'stuff' orgnanised for school. The first week back has…
This one is reminiscent of flowing fabric - bringing to mind the advice to 'go with the flow'. Today's Gratitude Item: Finding a perfect, ready made resource over at the…
Is this what it looks like just before things fall apart? Today's Gratitude Item: Finally finding out what classes I will be teaching this year. Our timetables are still in…