Sharp Waves
Does this give new meaning to 'rough seas'? Today's Gratitude Item: Figuring out how to make a half-way decent, self marking fractions worksheet using some fairly interesting formulae in a…
Does this give new meaning to 'rough seas'? Today's Gratitude Item: Figuring out how to make a half-way decent, self marking fractions worksheet using some fairly interesting formulae in a…
They are joined but the situation is rather prickly. Today's Gratitude Item: Having a lovely relaxing 'do nothing but read a book' day. Term time is often busy and this…
Perhaps I should have called this one 'dreary frost'. Today's Gratitude Item: That one of my dodgiest students will be away next Monday and Tuesday. He told me today that…
As in like an 'ever green', only blue. Today's Gratitude Item: That most of my students are working on assessments. For now it means a little less marking and a…
This one seemed like a good idea at the time - now I'm not so sure. Today's Gratitude Item: The support of good friends! When things get difficult, having someone…
I really enjoyed making the background for this one. Also, today is my blogiversary (is this still a thing)? Today's Gratitude Item: A guest speaker who was interesting and motivating!…
A combination of things that make me happy - squares, diamonds and 3D spheres. Today's Gratitude Item: Figuring out how to use Hapara with relative ease. It is one of…
This is a bird's eye view of a bunch of wrapped presents. That's my story and I'm sticking with it. Today's Gratitude Item: Finding a free, easy to use alternative…
A modern take on an old idea. Today's Gratitude Item: That the websites I use quite heavily have not been affected by the recent ransomware cyber attack.
Is it just me or are there a bunch of alien faces hidden in this one? Today's Gratitude Item: A 'broken' coffee machine. The good thing is that the machine…