Xmas Flower Ball
Even though I don't celebrate Christmas, the shiny decorations are oddly appealing. Also for some reason at this time of year, Christmas type fractals randomly appear on my screen -…
Even though I don't celebrate Christmas, the shiny decorations are oddly appealing. Also for some reason at this time of year, Christmas type fractals randomly appear on my screen -…
This would be a cool throw pillow. Today's Gratitude Item: Rainy weather. Which is perfect for curling up with a good book / crossword puzzle.
In addition to the whole spiral 'thing', I now have a 'square' thing too. Today's Gratitude Item: Being able to use the gym for dance tonight (again). The Community Security…
As in the center is quite 'hard' and the surrounding texture is quite soft. Today's Gratitude Item: A really relaxing 'play' day where no real work was done.
Simple but strangely compelling. Today's Gratitude Item: A very nice little site called lashon.net. This site allows users to automatically generate the Hebrew text for either the Tanach or Mishna.…
This one is a bit too floral for my liking... Today's Gratitude Item: That replacing some of my less than perfect images with improved versions on flickr was really easy.
Was particularly pleased when this one appeared - if only I could remember exactly how it was created... Today's Gratitude Item: Having a day of sunshine! After several days of…
This one could have been called 'Tartan Ripple'. Today's Gratitude Item: That making a *virtual* Sukkah was not as hard as anticipated. Having recyclable schach helped.
This one is a twist on a very familiar theme. Today's Gratitude Item: Figuring out how to make a flat square image curve around a pre-existing cylinder. If this sounds…
When I first saw this one, it reminded me of tread marks - hence the name. Today's Gratitude Item: Being able to use the Gym in the community center where…