Toy Bridge

It looked more 'bridge like' before it was reflected. Today's Gratitude Item: That 'difficult' situation I blogged about last week has now been resolved. It's a huge relief to be…

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Ornament in Progress

If you are wondering how Christmas ornaments are made - here is a possible answer. Today's Gratitude Item: Being able to hear the rain (even when it is not raining…

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Inevitable Spiral

The title really says it all. Today's Gratitude Item: A very relaxing day after a very stressful week...

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Hole Mask

As in a mask with very large holes for the eyes. Today's Gratitude Item: At school there was a fairly impressive fire in our sawdust extraction unit. Luckily the damage…

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Flotation Device

Also known as 'blob on the water'. Today's Gratitude Item: That a difficult situation is in the process of being resolved. I am deeply grateful for the support of my…

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Christmas Radar

The shape at the bottom left looks like a Christmas tree. Today's Gratitude Item: Finding out that someone's ethics are inconsistent with mine before it's too late.

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Turkish Delight

Named for the pattern rather than the dessert. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting to experience Virtual Reality for the first time. It was intense but really cool. I can see how…

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Tile Style

This is more of 'the same but different'. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting power back! We had a power-cut earlier in the evening and let's just say that it was not…

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Scottish Sphere

The sphere ended up quite a bit brighter than anticipated. Today's Gratitude Item: Being the proud owner of an Auckland Transport HOP card. This makes traveling by ferry / bus…

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Christmas Star

If I celebrated, this would be on top of the tree. Today's Gratitude Item: The start of a weekend and a new John Grisham novel to enjoy :)

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