Fractured Triangle
This one turned out much better than expected. Today's Gratitude Item: Staff meeting after school was mercifully brief. The only thing better than short meetings is no meetings at all.
This one turned out much better than expected. Today's Gratitude Item: Staff meeting after school was mercifully brief. The only thing better than short meetings is no meetings at all.
This one came out a lot darker than intended. Today's Gratitude Item: Small victories. One of my students *finally* handed in an overdue piece of assessment work. It was worth…
It took a while to get the colours right on this one. Today's Gratitude Item: Finding out how students can easily log exactly what they do in Photoshop when creating…
It's weird but is it wonderful? Today's Gratitude Item: Having a good time at Winter Warm-up (ie: a 'dance thing') and the fact that after a brief hiccup, our music…
Sometimes rotating things is a good idea. Today's Gratitude Item: The daffodils outside my window. There are quite a few of them and every time I look outside, I'm reminded…
This one was a funky surprise that turned out well. Today's Gratitude Item: Taking some time out after a very busy week. I probably should have done a bit more…
This one really is too bright for most desk tops. Today's Gratitude Item: That YouTube allows one to block and remove dodgy comments. I don't understand online trolls but being…
Another image that ended up being darker than anticipated. Today's Gratitude Item: Delicious veggie soup for lunch. I left my hummus at home by mistake but my work colleague had…
The bright blue bits seemed like a good idea at the time. Now I am not so sure... Today's Gratitude Item: That my junior classes are working really well and…
This one definitely has a *central* point. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting further than expected on tackling my ever-present 'marking mountain'.