Ripple Thing

Presenting one of the stranger things to come out of my computer. Today's Gratitude Item: One more *teaching* day before we get an all too brief two week break. We…

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As in the pattern sort of reminded me of fingerprints - it's been that kind of day. Today's Gratitude Item: One of my classes has been cancelled as the students…

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Extreme Flower

I discovered that playing with the 'curve' values can improve just about any gradient. Today's Gratitude Item: Not having to get up in the dark. Driving to school with the…

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Narnia Doorway

As in these doors lead to a completely different world. Today's Gratitude Item: One more week of school and then we are on holiday. It's been a very long term!

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Two Tubes

This one was interesting enough to be worth rendering. Today's Gratitude Item: The end of daylight saving. Whilst I have loved having longer evenings and time to walk outside after…

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Flight of Fancy

This one reminded me of very fancy wings - hence the name. Today's Gratitude Item: That parent / student / teacher at meetings at school went really well. All the…

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Deep Blue

This is one of those things that seemed like a bright idea at the time. Today's Gratitude Item: Not having to stay overly late at school for parent / teacher…

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Diamond Fold

In a fractal universe, this is what origami looks like. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting some fairly hefty marking done. I was relieved that one of my hardest-working students managed to…

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Diamond Shine

Was really please with this one - I've always had a 'thing' for geometric shapes. Today's Gratitude Item: A free 'flu jab which did not hurt too much. Here's hoping…

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Modern Distortion

Every so often something really nice appears on my screen. This was one of those times. Today's Gratitude Item: No meeting before school tomorrow morning! That gives me more time…

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