Bounce Curve
An unexpected surprise. Today's Gratitude Item: Making it to the end of the school year! I'm super happy to finally be on summer vacation.
An unexpected surprise. Today's Gratitude Item: Making it to the end of the school year! I'm super happy to finally be on summer vacation.
Tonight is the first night of Chanukah - Chag Sameach everyone! You can access the large version of this graphic by clicking on the image above. Images that are related…
Another one that looks great provided one does not view it at full size. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting home before the rain. We desperatly need said rain but being safely…
Sort of interesting but not all that great. In the fractal world, this is the poster child for mediocre. Today's Gratitude Item: Completing an overhaul of my level 1 Programming…
This one reminded me of a roulette wheel. Today's Gratitude Item: Activities week at school. This is the last week before summer vacation and we run a different schedule which…
With a twist. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally figuring out how to have a single list visible in two different Microsoft Teams. It was not easy / obvious (which is why,…
This one looked really nice before it got rendered. The actual version was really disappointing and was only salvaged by putting it on a white background. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally…
With fractal mountains in the background. Today's Gratitude Item: Figuring out both problems for todays 'Advent of Code' excercise. It took a while but was worth the effort.
Was really pleased with how this one turned out. Today's Gratitude Item: Tomorrow is our final day of class at school. Next week is activities week which means things become…
As in a spiral design made up of interlocking combs. Today's Gratitude Item: Solving quite a few problems today (most of them were for colleagues at school but it was…