Another Ocean
Waves / ripples often appear on my screen. Invariably this is a good thing. Today's Gratitude Item: Not being late for work after an alarm mishap which resulted in oversleeping…
Waves / ripples often appear on my screen. Invariably this is a good thing. Today's Gratitude Item: Not being late for work after an alarm mishap which resulted in oversleeping…
As in a curved design with a painted feel. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting loads done during our Teacher Only Day today.
Named because it looks a bit like shiny wrapping paper. Today's Gratitude Item: Team work at Open Evening. Whilst it was a *very* late night at school, it went really…
Can't see the hearts? Squint and use your imagination. Today's Gratitude Item: Leftovers for a *late* lunch. Naturally said leftovers tasted amazing.
In retrospect this one is a bit dark... Today's Gratitude Item: Taking time out and watching mindless television. Sometimes 'mindless' can be good.
The gold bits made this one worth keeping. Today's Gratitude Item: Having a really useful conversation with my colleagues in the English department around options for setting up Digital Exams.
There's a lot going on in this one - and it's all blue. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting back into the groove. I've still go loads to do but work is…
Another 'what was I thinking' image... Today's Gratitude Item: That the 'great password reset' which is happening at school means that now everyone's google login will be the same as…
Really similar to yesterday's post but nice enough to be worth sharing. Today's Gratitude Item: Resolving a 'trip vs assessment' problem so that everyone gets what they want.
Named for the colour and the delicate lines. Today's Gratitude Item: That the roller-coaster ride that was today ended on a positive note. Here's hoping that tomorrow has more ups…