Web Network
Perhaps this one was made by an environmentally conscious spider. Today's Gratitude Item: Not being overwhelmed at work. This could be the calm before the storm.
Perhaps this one was made by an environmentally conscious spider. Today's Gratitude Item: Not being overwhelmed at work. This could be the calm before the storm.
Featuring digital water and digital grass. Today's Gratitude Item: Having time during the day to set up assignments and mark student work. All too often that sort of thing is…
As in a pie where there were issues in the cutting (and serving) part of the process. Today's Gratitude Item: Only getting a little bit damp on this morning's walk…
Here is another one of those "I wish these were real" images. Today's Gratitude Item: Enjoying another lovely Saturday. There is something very special about taking an entire day off…
An ocean with a bit of a difference. Today's Gratitude Item: Digital sticky notes. :)
Definitely different from what usually appears on my screen. Today's Gratitude Item: Having an epiphany which resulted in a simple change that not only gives me a bit more time…
Sometimes things at the bottom of the ocean can be really pretty. Today's Gratitude Item: Having time to attend a webinar after school and work on a program that I've…
A spiral with a distinctly modern twist. Today's Gratitude Item: That my computer kindly waited until after my online meeting to 'blue screen'. Now if only I could figure out…
Named because if one rotates this image 90 degrees, one *almost* has an infinity symbol (made up of dual water droplets). Today's Gratitude Item: Getting home safely after a *very*…
This one is a cross between a flower and a star. Today's Gratitude Item: Finding a colleague who is able to help with re-potting an orchid. Hopefully the process will…