Winter Shade
The detail at the top left is definitely worth a closer look. Today's Gratitude Item: Finishing Video series #2 on 'the roadmap'. This series did not take as long as…
The detail at the top left is definitely worth a closer look. Today's Gratitude Item: Finishing Video series #2 on 'the roadmap'. This series did not take as long as…
In a fractal world, sometimes the ripples are solid. Today's Gratitude Item: A super-productive day where most things went well (even though my brain felt like it was going to…
Was quite pleased with the sharpness of this image. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally getting my iPad music to sync with my computer. The key was using one of the USB…
It's been a while since something stormy appeared on my screen. Today's Gratitude Item: A lovely, umbrella-free walk where I found 10c and did not get wet.
I wonder where this hole leads to… Today's Gratitude Item: That today's pita pocket effort was much more successful than last week (where the dough was too soft and I…
This one was a very pleasant surprise - the subdued colours were a good choice too. Today's Gratitude Item: Having time to complete the video series that I was working…
I'm pretty sure we've been here before but this one was too pretty to bin. Today's Gratitude Item: No students tomorrow. We have teacher only day and I'm looking quite…
As in a spiral made from railroad tracks. Some imagination required. Today's Gratitude Item: That traffic getting to dance class was normal. I was a bit worried that it would…
This is what happens when it's really cold - even the grates turn blue. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting two annoying things off my 'to do' list. Both things were fairly…
As in a tunnel made of train tracks. Today's Gratitude Item: A peaceful afternoon / evening after an overly busy day at school. Pointless after school meetings are very high…