This one was a real surprise. It does not use the “blur” variation which would usually result in a flame that looks like this. It uses two transforms, with only linear and spherical variations. Weird.
Today’s Gratitude Item
Having the time to read a book. Started (and finished) “A Million Little Pieces” by James Frey. The story was compelling, heartbreaking and at times, humourous in a dark way. My mom asked me to get it from the local library and read it after seeing the author on the Oprah show. This is a good thing, as this is not the kind of book that I would usually read and it does offer some insight into the making (and breaking of) addiction.
The saddest thing about the book was the last page where it summarises what happened to many of the characters in the book. Suffice it to say, they were serious when they said that the success rate of “The Clinic” was seventeen percent and that this was the highest in the country! Certainly a depressing prospect.
Dust motes twirling in the wind, nicely done.