This blog will be on a break for about a week so now is a good time to wish everyone out there “Shana Tova” for the new year. If you have no idea what I am on about, you might wish to check out Wikipedia’s Rosh Hahshana article to get more information about this very special time in the Jewish calendar.
The image above is titled “Double Trump” and shows two fractal shofarim, in honour of the upcoming holiday.
In other news, I will be away on dance camp this coming weekend, which explains the reason for the blog’s very temporary hiatus.
Shana Tova to you too; and have fun in dance camp.
This post has been included in Haveil Havalim #39, hosted by SerandEz – take a few minutes and check what it says. Shana Tova!
some of the best pic i have ever seen!!! PEACE $ LOVE