What’s Wrong with this Picture??

The stamp in the image below was on a piece of mail that we received today. So what is wrong with the picture?? Feel free to comment if you spot it!

Lets just say that right now I am not very impressed with New Zealand Post.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Soccer Dad

    There are three kinds of people in the world, those who are good at math(s) and those who aren’t.

  2. Stacey Whaley

    Now THAT is hilarious. LOL

  3. Walt

    It must be that “New Math” that is confusing people. lol 🙂

  4. Unknown

    Obviously a time machine was used.

    1. Live through the 50 years

    2. Go back to buy some stamps

    3. Go forward again to sell the stamps.

    Ergo 150 years.

  5. Pasach

    Maybe they ment 150 stamps per year, sence most people are using email now. lol

  6. Anonymous

    real stamp date: 2005
    pictured stamp date: 1931
    first stamp date: not 1905
    last stamp date: not 1955

    error on both dates or period missing? (period: 1905:1955)

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