Hot Drapes
Sometimes one simply has to create something warm and bright. This was one of those times. Today's Gratitude Item: We're down to only one active COVID-19 case in the entire…
Sometimes one simply has to create something warm and bright. This was one of those times. Today's Gratitude Item: We're down to only one active COVID-19 case in the entire…
The pattern in the middle sort of reminded me of drift wood. Today's Gratitude Item: My speakers at school are finally working again. Needless to say this is a big…
Shavout Sameach everyone! The image below is shamelessly recycled from last year (with minor changes). Today's Gratitude Item: A truly amazing lunch. It's Samoan Language week at school and some…
This post is a bit different to my usual offering. The short version is that here in New Zealand, teachers need a 'Practicing Certificate' to be able to teach. The…
This is something that might surround a holiday home. It's funky and bright. Today's Gratitude Item: That I live on an Island where it has been possible to contain COVID-19.…
Weirdly it took ages to get the 'weave' of this one 'just right'. Today's Gratitude Item: Knowing well in advance that the school network will be 'down' last period on…
Originally the outer spiral was a weird pale purple colour. In this case, removing most of the colour worked well. Today's Gratitude Item: A post lock-down haircut. It feels great!
In a fractal world, this is an x-ray of a knee joint. Today's Gratitude Item: An easy, simple, relaxing day. The past week has been exhausting and it was great…
Rendered mostly because it was quite pretty and has a nice sense of motion. Today's Gratitude Item: Coffee with a colleague :)
A surprise design which has that "we've been here before' feeling. Today's Gratitude Item: Rediscovering Thorium. This is an ePub reader which plays embedded video - something that has been…