Forest Jewels

The pattern reminded me of an ornate chain. Today's Gratitude Item: A blissfully peaceful day which involved, food, a long nap, a walk and minimal schoolwork.

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Gentle Curves

It turns out that when it comes to curves 'gentle' is the way to go. Today's Gratitude Item: Living in New Zealand. According to this article we are the third…

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Pesach Sameach 5780

Pesach Sameach everyone! You can access the large version of this graphic by clicking on the image above. Images that are related to Jewish Holidays live at the preceding link…

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Alien Wing

The large version of this one is oddly disappointing. The small version on the other hand looks quite good. Today's Gratitude Item: Our Zoom dance session went much better than…

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Harelquin Rings

If you look at this one closely, you might be able to spot the rings in question. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally feeling guilty / motivated enough to start work on…

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Modern Electric

Electric blue is almost my favourite colour - only sometimes it's a bit intense. Today's Gratitude Item: Figuring out how to set up playlists in Groove. Needed this for an…

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Infinite Islands

Originally the 'holes' looked like islands and the rest looked like an ocean. Things changed when I post processed. Today's Gratitude Item: Finding a slightly easier way of making falafel…

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Fragile Filaments

I could not resist keeping this one. I liked the delicate bits. Today's Gratitude Item: Having matzos for next week. The drive into town to get said matzos was surreal.…

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Silk Shards

Another pretty background that I could not bare to bin. Today's Gratitude Item: The falafel that I made for lunch today was a hit. I used this recipe and everything…

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Teal Float

This could be the start of a funky aquarium. Today's Gratitude Item: Having a large space to dance in, right here in the comfort of my own home. Some re-arranging…

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