Spiky Style Disc
The interweaving makes this one a bit interesting. The question is, is it interesting enough? Today's Gratitude Item: Finding the manual for our *very* old answerphone online. This made it…
The interweaving makes this one a bit interesting. The question is, is it interesting enough? Today's Gratitude Item: Finding the manual for our *very* old answerphone online. This made it…
This is what a modern ripple looks like. Today's Gratitude Item: Every had a day when pretty much everything went your way? Today was one of those days and I'm…
The only thing cooler than a snowflake is a gold snowflake (pun intended). Today's Gratitude Item: Being able to talk to my students again without coughing. Also a lovely clean…
Sort of similar to last night's image but with a spiral :) Today's Gratitude Item: Modern communication and being able to stay at school late to use their power (long…
As in a flower with a twist. Today's Gratitude Item: The calm before the *marking* storm. My students start doing practice 'dry run' assessments on Thursday and life will get…
Sometimes luck can be quite fragile - so much so that we ask 'will it hold?' Today's Gratitude Item: Having someone who can lead dance class on Weds! I can't…
One of those 'different in a good way' images. Today's Gratitude Item: Being able to trouble shoot a student's program with a lot less work than anticipated. It's good when…
It would be cool if real sunrises had this much detail. Today's Gratitude Item: Lovely weather and a lovely new puzzle book. Taking a day off from work is always…
This one is surprisingly cheerful. Today's Gratitude Item: Realising that there is a very easy way for my students to validate both their html and css. It turns out that…
I'm wondering if the tartan background on this one is a bit too subtle. Today's Gratitude Item: Taking a night off! Did not do any marking and am not feeling…