Yom HaShoah 5770

Presenting another in a series which has run for a while. As before, the names are taken from the Yad Vashem Central Database of Shoah Victims' Names. The names in…


Celestial Birth

Wouldn't it be cool if star's looked like this when they were being born. Today's Gratitude Item: That my pizza bases worked (for the most part). They are still too…

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Network Dawn

This one was made with the "cell" variation (amongst other things). Today's Gratitude Item: Successfully making my own raisin bread. Lets just say that with the help of a very…

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Infinite Flower Cog

Was really pleased with how this one turned out. Today's Gratitude Item: A great little site called Seek Logo. It has a massive number of corporate and government logos available…

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Chess Curl

If you look closely, you'll see the checkered pattern that inspired the name. Today's Gratitude Item: Google's chat feature and the fact that one of my Israeli buddies was on-line…

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Tartan Twirl

For some reason this one reminds me of Tartan fabric. Today's Gratitude Item: Raisin bread. Or to be more precise, the fact that Passover is finally over and I get…

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Ribbon Spiral

Its been a while since a decent spiral appeared. Only problem was finding a suitable colour for this one. Today's Gratitude Item: Feeling refreshed and relaxed - holidays are good…

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Bank Vault

Don't you hate it when you think its a cheque, but it turns out to be a bill? Today's Gratitude Item: That all my students remembered the nets for the…

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Wild Ride

Taken from the "Power Surge" ride over at Rainbow's End. Lets just say the ride concerned is so intense, I felt slightly nauseous just creating the illustration! Today's Gratitude Item:…

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Hidden Angel

There is an angel hiding in this one. Can you spot him? Today's Gratitude Item: Learning a new dance :) Turns out that the dance group that meet on Friday…

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