Inverted Ripple

Its a fractal ripple. If you invert (ie: negative image) orange, you get blue. So in a way, the title makes sense.Today's Gratitude Item: That someone out there likes my…


Soft Ice

This one is particularly appropriate for winter, which of course means that it was created in midsummer. That always happens! I guess my computer thinks it is in America. It…

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Smooth Loving

Made with Apophysis and perfect for Valentines day. The irony is that this graphic contains two of my pet peeves, a Valentines theme and the colour pink. Yet it "works".…

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Blue Hive

Was really pleased with this one! It was a "no tears" graphic in that it appeared with a small amount of tweaking. Maybe luck does have something to do with…

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Its dark and moody - we all have days like this. Today's Gratitude Item: All the little things that have been going right lately. Despite the graphic above, life is…

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Star Spangled Banner

The background was created with Apophysis. This was inspired my previous collaboration, only this time, the stars are mine and I can post it on Shutterstock. It took a rather…



This one, made from "scratch" reminded me of the Zulu shields that we learned about in school. The diamond part of the pattern is just about the right shape. Johnny…

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Summer Trellis

For those who are not "into" gardening, a trellis is a diamond shaped wooden structure which supports creepers in the garden. The name was inspired by the green "trellis" that…

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Ice Fire

This one is best viewed at large size (click on the image below to make it bigger). The detail that makes up the larger pattern is quite cool. Today's Gratitude…

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Stars and Rings

Yet another woven / tiled fractal. This one uses the 'radial blur' variation to get the "star" effect. Today's Gratitude Item: A new version of Apo to play with. What…