Let the Games Begin

I should have posted this one a while back, but better late than never. Click on the image above to access the large versionToday's Gratitude Item: Was initially booked for…


Tu B’shvat 5766

Today is Tu'Bshvat. I knew about it but *forgot* to create a piece to celebrate the occasion until Soccer Dad reminded me. Below is a "tree fractal" complete with full…


Eye Bumps

Having these gives one a whole new kind of vision. Today's Gratitude Item: My computer is behaving itself so far and one of my students from last year has already…

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Wonder what creature will emerge from this one? Today's Gratitude Item: My neighbours came back from Hong Kong which means that not only don't we have to clear their mailbox…

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Emerald City

A birds eye view of the wizard's abode. Click on the image above to access the large version Today's Gratitude Item: The 256Mb memory stick that my brother gave me…

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Dense Green

Perhaps it should have been named "Grey Green". I would be a lot happier right now if my computer was working as it should. Thing is refusing to start up,…

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Kaledoscopic Exploration

All the graphics that make up the composition below are based on the same Apophysis flame which has been "kaleidoscoped" using the "kaleidoscope" effect in Paintshop Pro. Some intense recolouring…


Popular Poppy

This one was inspired by dawnzy58's rather special Pink-Yellow which started off as a huge hibiscus. "Popular Poppy" started off as, you guessed it, a huge poppy. Not exactly original…


Circular Butterfly

Was wondering what a butterfly would like transformed into an amazing circle. Now I know. Those of you have been following this blog for a while, may remember that I…


Amazing Blossoms

Anyone remeber those spherical glass paperweights? This looks a bit like one of them. The graphic below is an "Amazing Circle" rather than a fractal. Today's Gratitude Item: Writeable CD's.…