Ripple Blossom

In retrospect, this one should have been called 'very pink'. Today's Gratitude Item: That upgrading our lab computers to Python 3.10 and also updating the software we use solved most…

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Horizon Flowers

If you look at the bigger picture, the flower becomes a bit more obvious. Today's Gratitude Item: That our morning PD (professional development) was not a complete waste of time.…

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Crown Jewels

This one is in the 'pretty ornate' category as in it's both 'pretty' and 'ornate'. Today's Gratitude Item: Having a bit of extra time to get stuff done due to…

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Blueish Moon

This moon comes complete with fractal craters. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting a bag of 'goodies' from Education Perfect (a platform that can be used by teachers to teach / reinforce…

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Serene Nautilus

The pattern is quite subtle - which might make this a nice choice for a desktop background. Today's Gratitude Item: Being ready for the coming week. Spent most of today…

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Clear Web

Named because clearly, this one is a web. Today's Gratitude Item: I have two things, one is being able to walk outside in the beautiful sunshine after the horrendous weather…

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Pebble Arrangement

It turns out that it is possible to create quite pretty flowers out of blue pebbles. Today's Gratitude Item: Realising that in my class, there is usually someone in the…

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Soft Wind

Reminded me of fabric blowing in the breeze. Today's Gratitude Item: Being *almost* on top of my marking. Had quite a bit to do which is actually a good thing…

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Hydrangea Upgrade

Should have called this one 'Rose Upgrade' - as in like a rose but maybe even prettier. Today's Gratitude Item: Hearing the cicadas at school, mostly because it was a…

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Bubble Hoop

And now for something rather colourful... Today's Gratitude Item: That we got through the storm OK. It was intense and caused an impressive amount of damage in some areas. I'm…

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