Simchat Torah 5781
Happy Simchat Torah everyone! Today's Gratitude Item: A brilliant day which included laughing so hard that my face hurt a little.
Happy Simchat Torah everyone! Today's Gratitude Item: A brilliant day which included laughing so hard that my face hurt a little.
As in the shape of this one made me happy. Today's Gratitude Item: A really relaxing day doing very little of note.
Normally waves don't look quite as chunky but this one mostly works. Today's Gratitude Item: Realising that it is possible to put entire sprites into Scratch's backpack. This makes it…
Yet another fan / flower image. Today's Gratitude Item: Homemade summer rolls for dinner. Light, tasty and different - even if they were a bit fiddly to assemble.
As in a net that involved shards of ice. Today's Gratitude Item: Making satisfying progress on a video series showing students how to make simple games in scratch.
It turns out that one can revisit infinity on a regular basis. Today's Gratitude Item: Early voting. Whilst the official polling day for the general election is a little less…
It took ages to get this one to appear but the wait was worth it. Today's Gratitude Item: Learning how to search within a folder on google drive. It's very…
Answers the question 'when is ornate, too ornate'. I'd hoped it would turn out nicer than it did. Today's Gratitude Item: Finishing a rather tedious novel. It was not bad…
Happy Sukkot everyone! Today's Gratitude Item: That it's Friday AND I am still on holiday next week. Life is very good :)
Sometimes an extremely tight weave is what is needed. This was one of those times. Today's Gratitude Item: Being completely up-to-date with my marking. It's a great feeling - especially…