Infinite Joinery
Because some things go on forever. Today's Gratitude Item: Carrot cake at morning tea - it was a welcome, unexpected treat.
Because some things go on forever. Today's Gratitude Item: Carrot cake at morning tea - it was a welcome, unexpected treat.
I know that it's weird to post an image with such a summery vibe in the middle of winter, but such is life. Unless you live in the Northern hemisphere…
As in a series of eyes made out of sand, interspersed with either a mirage or an oasis. Today's Gratitude Item: Having ChatGPT's help when making simple quizzes to check…
It was nice and shiny - so I kept it. Today's Gratitude Item: A spare keyboard that is easy to clean and takes up less space on my desk than…
Named because it looks a bit like narrow bridges going over a blue river. Today's Gratitude Item: That most of the dodgy kids in my first period class were away!…
This is one of those times when lighter colours was the best option. Today's Gratitude Item: A reasonably chilled out afternoon where no work was done! The break was nice…
This one is a bit too dark for my liking. It was, however, too interesting to bin. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting to dance safely and coming home from dance safely.…
A somewhat odd image to be posting in the middle of winter. Of course there is the possibility that the pools in question are heated. Today's Gratitude Item: Leftovers for…
Looks like a wooden texture - with a big of an edge. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting home safely after a really, really long day. The extra detour coming home (where…
This one has a definite 'fern' vibe to it. Today's Gratitude Item: Being able to recycle an old teaching video rather than having to make a new one from scratch.…