Rake Wall
This pattern looks like it was created by using a series of rakes. Probably not practical in the real world. Today's Gratitude Item: A 'smooth' Sunday (as in everything went…
This pattern looks like it was created by using a series of rakes. Probably not practical in the real world. Today's Gratitude Item: A 'smooth' Sunday (as in everything went…
Similar to Three Quarters Spiked but for some reason it got kept. Today's Gratitude Item: Both workshops that I proposed for an upcoming Teacher Educator conference have been accepted which…
Another image that is perfect for Shabbat! Today's Gratitude Item: Having plenty of reading material thanks to several of the books that I had 'on hold' becoming 'available for downloading'.
Where I just might have overdone the diamonds. Today's Gratitude Item: A lazy summer day. Had my umpteenth COVID booster yesterday (in anticipation of going back to school) and took…
Intricate, modern and pretty - my kind of image :) Today's Gratitude Item: My computer has behaved well all day today (as in it has not blue screened in the…
There is something quite dynamic about this one. Today's Gratitude Item: Finding a $5 note on my walk (a great start to the day). Also being able to download my…
The flower part was nice enough to make this one worth keeping - even though the rest is a bit messy. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting close to completing my current…
I like both the colours and texture of this one. Today's Gratitude Item: A remarkably busy (but fun) Sunday in which quite a few things on the list got done.…
Is it me or is this one a bit dreary? Today's Gratitude Item: Air conditioning! It's been very, very hot and being able to keep cool is wonderful.
In retrospect, this one might be a bit too old fashioned! Today's Gratitude Item: That 'chatbot' is an official scrabble word. Not only is it seven letters but it fell…