Geometric Wonder

The symmetry of this one "works". Not too sure about the colours though :) Today's Gratitude Item: Fixing the weird thing that was happening with one of my "maps". Not…

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Hands Dancing

Dedicated to all those Sign Language Interpreters out there! Today's Gratitude Item: Getting new pillows for my bed! My old ones were rather "dead" and the new ones are brilliant.…


Wave Sun

Its meant to be the sun sinking slowly beneath the waves. Today's Gratitude Item: Lots of little things. Like finding a script to make Indesign display Hebrew text correctly (long…

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Moonight Decoration

This one is meant to be a bauble dangling off a Christmas tree with a foggy full moon in the background. Its filed under "list of things you can do…

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Ocean Vortex

This style may well be familiar to many of you. The gradient worked well though, and as we all know, I'm hopelessly addicted to making these sort of designs. Today's…

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Moon River

Perhaps based on the song which has the same name? I can hear the lyrics in my head :) Today's Gratitude Item: Making lists. Its the only way I manage…

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Diaspora Dreaming

This image is evocative of roots - which made it an appropriate place for the poem. Some of you may have seen this image before, it got posted on idreamincolor…

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Luxury Quilt

Pity this one is not real. If it was, it would be cozy and warm - the perfect antidote for those winter blues. Today's Gratitude Item: Indesign! After downloading a…


Liquid Passion

If you're passionate about pink, then you might enjoy this. Of course if you loathe pink, you may wish to look away from your computer screen! Today's Gratitude Item: Late…


Rough Seas

Dedicated to all those sailors out there. May the only rough seas you experience be the ones on your desktop. Today's Gratitude Item: That my computer can play DVD's. Today…

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