Wave Net

All that's missing from this fractal ocean are the fish and dolphins. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting let out of school a bit early! The school where I was today had…

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Woven Items

Same basic params as yesterday's effort, different final transform and gradient. I think the effect is rather interesting. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting a whole lot of small things done! None…

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Fire Curl

Identical to "Funky Pink Curl" but mirrored and with a flaming gradient. Could not decide which I preferred. Today's Gratitude Item: Realising that I set my alarm clock wrong before…

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Flower Ball

Its green, orange and more "funky" than my usual offerings. What do you think? Today's Gratitude Item: That my next door neighbour is passionate about framing stuff. Turns out its…

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Molten Sun

Is it just me, or does this look a bit like a sunflower?? Today's Gratitude Item: Bendy plastic rulers. Turns out that they have many uses, one of which is…

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Great Gauze

The "great" in this case is referring to the size of the gauze rather than its quality. Today's Gratitude Item: How my stuff manages to find its way back to…

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Tartan Hearts

Look closely at the LHS and you'll notice that there are hearts woven into this design. It was an experiment that turned out nicely. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting three of…


Magenta Arc

I got bored with the plain white "icon" space so decided to try putting some windows in it. With this graphic, it works as the image is not strong enough…

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Cloud 9

Actually a planet somewhere out of the universe. Composed almost entirely of water. Today's Gratitude Item: Rechargeable calculator batteries and the fact that my graphing calculator lets me know when…


Pastel Diamonds

This would be a good time to remind you all that diamonds really are a girl's best friend! Today's Gratitude Item: The latest 3D Hack version of Apophysis. Its giving…

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