Light Construction

The graphic below is the result of a lot of luck and a little tweaking. Today I am thankful for a wonderful little chain of stores called "The Cheesecake Shop".…


Light Tunnel

Beware of the light at the end of the tunnel. Its probably an oncoming train! Today I am thankful for the library. It still amazes me that there is a…

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Worm Hole

Have been aiming for this effect for a while, then when I was not even trying, it happened. Life is like that sometimes. Today I am thankful for the Christmas…

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Petal Plate

The graphic below is either a strange flower or a strange serving dish. Its hard to decide. Today I am grateful for the amazing weather we have been having. It…

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Holy Smoke

This one was inspired by the cool guys from Pixelhackers. Today I am super grateful for the diary that my dad bought for me. OK, so for most of you…


Toy of the Future?

With Chanukah coming up in two weeks, thought that the graphic below was appropriate. Its not quite a dreidel, but then its not quite Chanukah yet either. I am grateful…


Alien Crash

At dawn, the crashed alien craft was discovered on the desert plain. Today I am grateful that my internet connection is still working. There *might* be problems with it over…

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Shabbat Wine

Shabbat Shalom everyone. Graphic below is another POV-Ray creation that took a while (and some tips from the online newsgroup) to produce. Today I am grateful that my dad fixed…

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Cocktails ??

The graphic below was created with POV-Ray. It was an early attempt and I was very surprised at how well it worked. The glasses are made entirely of tori (ie:…


Shell Path

This one is dedicated to my mom. She "helped" make it by standing behind me and commenting on my progress as I tweaked. Thanks mom!! Appropriatly, today (and every day)…