Electric Octopus

The image below was originally titled "Blue Wave" but when I looked at it again, it reminded me of the an octupus tentacle, hence the rather more creative title of…



Below is another spiral generated with Neil's script. Its called "Gallaxia" because if you look closely, you will see small spiral "gallaxies" around the main spiral.


Forest Spiral

This post is dedicated to Neil Slater, the author of the script which allowed me to create the fractal below. Thanks for sharing Neil!


Tisha B’Av

Today is the 9th of Av (ie: Tisha B'Av). This is the saddest day in the Jewish calendar as it is the anniversary of the destruction of both the first…


Strange View

This is one of the more unusual fractals that I have created. Hard to describe it really, it looks like the view of a blue lake through an orange portal.…

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Shickered Star

If stars got inebriated, this is what they would look like. Why is it that the English language, has so many different words for drunk?? Below are some of my…


Welcome Home Discovery

The fractal below is dedicated to the successful return of the Discovery crew after their rather eventful mission. I was just relieved that they made it back safely. The image…

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Early Morning Update

The image below was created some time last month when I was not "flat out" like I am now. Would have posted last night but was too busy, hence this…

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Glass Star

If Stars were made of glass, would they look like this??

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Star Swirl

The image below is called "Star Swirl". Have not had much time to create fractals this week, but a few fractals are better than none at all.

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