Gutter Puddles
The shape reminded me of a tin roof, the colour means that there is water lurking in the cracks. Today's Gratitude Item: A successful last day of timetabled classes. Next…
The shape reminded me of a tin roof, the colour means that there is water lurking in the cracks. Today's Gratitude Item: A successful last day of timetabled classes. Next…
Dedicated to everyone who is fascinated by recursion. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting my students to find fun, online games with at least some educational value and share the links with…
The bit in the middle is not quite a flower - hence the name. Today's Gratitude Item: Being able to see my timetable for next year. Whilst a lot can…
The ripple effect on this one made it worth keeping. Today's Gratitude Item: That several of my students are getting the hang of attaching broken code to their 'log' at…
Complete with ornate burglar proof decorations. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting one quite big thing on the 'to do' list done. There is of course, always more things on said list…
As in this could almost be a wooden door - except for the rather large holes. Today's Gratitude Item: A random avocado in the fridge which was an integral part…
An experiment which did not turn out quite as well as hoped. Never mind. Today's Gratitude Item: A fun day that was a bit different to normal (but not too…
As always, one has to wonder where this particular doorway leads to. Today's Gratitude Item: A lovely PD day where we were given 'brains' (ie: foam stress 'ball' shaped like…
It's hard to describe this one. Let's go with 'interesting' for now. Today's Gratitude Item: Relocating a critical piece of gear that I inadvertently left in a weird place yesterday…
You might need to squint / use some imagination to see the 'tartan' part of this one. Today's Gratitude Item: Delicious, fresh, raisin bread after dance class. So good!