Ocean Flower

My nose is running, my glands are swollen and I am feeling rather sorry for myself. Worst of all, my weekend is being ruined by this stupid cold! Hopefully it…


Blue Knot

Below is (yet another) Apophysis creation. I don't think that I will ever get tired of this program. Have finally learned how to "randomise" gradients and this has opened up…


Yom Hashoah

For those of you who don't know what Yom Hashoah is, it is holocaust memorial day and it is officially on the 26th Nisan (ie: 5th May). This is a…


Feather Mask

I can hardly believe that my wonderful two week break from school is almost over. The thought of having to get up at 6am every Monday to Friday for the…


Fish Ballet

Below is another Apophysis fractal. When it appeared on my screen, was stunned to realise that the thing looked like a bunch of fish jumping out of a net. The…

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ANZAC Day – Mostly Fine

Today was ANZAC day and the weather forecast said "Mostly Fine". That was an adequate description of both the day today and the weather. Spent most of today reading 'Walkon…

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Passover Offering

Soccer Dad recently asked me to create some Pesach related fractal art to contribute to his Pesach Post (aka: Haveil Havalim #18 - The Pesach Edition). Below is some of…


Spiral Motion

Today is my first day of holiday and it has been great. Acquired two new jigsaw puzzles and am making good progress on the first one. Below is one of…