Star Cubes
The basic unit for this wallpaper was created in Apophysis. It does not look much like a fractal, but that's OK. 3D aspect is best seen in larger sizes. Today's…
The basic unit for this wallpaper was created in Apophysis. It does not look much like a fractal, but that's OK. 3D aspect is best seen in larger sizes. Today's…
The teacher union was threatening to strike last month. The strike was called off at the last minute because some kind of agreement to continue talking was reached. The image…
This graphic is a tribute to Marcel Marceau. He was an inspirational man, and an inspirational mime! Today's Gratitude Item: Popcorn & television. Now all I need to do is…
I used Apophysis to get the background and wax part of the candle. The flame was rendered in Blender and then it was all put together in Paintshop Pro. Today's…
This one was inspired by the sad news about Luciano Pavarotti. Whilst he has passed on, his music remains. He was so much more than just a "Singing Guy". Today's…
This one is pushing the limits a bit, but it makes for "interesting" wallpaper. Hopefully there' s enough black space to fit in all the necessary icons. Today's Gratitude Item:…
This guy may not be golden, but at least he's rich! Today's Gratitude Item: Chocolate *again*. Mainly because it makes a great "peace offering" / social lubricant.
Sometimes Golden guy gets really, really annoyed. When he is, you don't want to get in his way! This would make a great illustration for our new "anti-smacking" legislation! Today's…
Its not quite the European Union flag, but its close enough. The traditional golden stars have been replaced with copies of Golden Guy! Today's Gratitude Item: That my graphing calculator…
If anyone asks, here is my answer! Just add water, palm trees, sun and the ocean. For the record, holidays are quite some time away - but it pays to…